Evans Halshaw review: fees, valuation process and how to get a better price for your used car

Updated on 28 July 2021

Evans Halshaw claims it will buy your used car for a better price by cutting out the middle man. Here's how it works, what to watch out for and how to get a better price when selling.

Why sell your car to Evans Halshaw

If the time has come to sell your used car, there’s no shortage of potential buyers.

You could try selling it yourself by listing your motor on places like Facebook or Gumtree.

That can be easier said than done though, as you’re relying on drumming up interest in order to shift it.

Alternatively, you can make use of one of the firms that promise to purchase your car no matter what sort of state it’s in.

One of the most popular is Evans Halshaw, which is itself a large car dealership.

Evans Halshaw won’t only take your motor as part exchange when you’re purchasing a new car: you can actually sell your car directly to the firm, without having to buy your new set of wheels from them. 

Let’s take a look at how it works, fees to look out for and how to ensure the best possible experience when selling with Evans Halshaw.

Before you decide to sell, make sure you also read these reviews of other popular car-selling sites to ensure you choose the right one for you:

How to sell your car with Evans Halshaw

The first step is simply to enter your car’s registration plate into the Evans Halshaw website. You’ll then need to fill in a few details about your car, including:

  • Mileage;
  • Service history;
  • The number of previous owners;
  • Its condition.

Off the back of this information, you’ll be emailed a valuation for what Evans Halshaw will pay for your motor.

If you’re happy with that valuation, then you can arrange an appointment to take the motor to an Evans Halshaw dealership, where one of its advisers will take a closer look to ensure that the car really matches up with how you initially described it.

There are 80 different locations to choose from.

You’ll need to bring various documentation with you at this point, including your driving licence, a bank statement, your vehicle’s registration V5 document, the service history records, all keys and any accessories related to the var like the usual manual or locking wheel.

The appointment should not take longer than 40 minutes, and if all goes well, the sale will be completed there and then.

Before you head down, it's worth getting a few more quotes for your used car. You can go for the likes of webuyanycar.com, Confused or Motorway or one of the many other players in the market. 

You can get a quote from Motorway by entering your car reg below to see how it compares. Please note that we may receive a small commission if you choose to sell through them, but this won't affect the price you're offered. 

Getting a better sale price with Evans Halshaw

When you’re selling your car will make a difference to the price you get.

For example, in September and March, we have the arrival of the new number plates, which also means that large numbers of used cars tend to hit the market at this point.

This increased level of competition can dent how much you’ll make for your motor.

The season matters too.

If you’re selling a convertible, then it’s bound to be more sought after in the Spring and Summer when the weather is good and drivers can get the top down. However, in the Wintertime a four-wheel drive may prove more popular.

The age of your car is important too. The Money Advice Service notes that there’s a perception that cars are not as reliable after five years or 60,000 miles. As a result, it may be worth shifting it before it hits its fifth birthday.

You’ll need the V5C Registration Certificate, service history and MOT certificate (if it has one) in order to sell a car, whilst receipts for work done to the car can reassure potential buyers.

It’s generally recommended that you clean the car and consider professional cleaning if you’ll recoup the costs.

MOT tests are now tougher. Read more about the new rules here.

Evans Halshaw’s valuation explained

The initial valuation is based on the details you provide about your motor, from the mileage to the conditioning of the car.

As a major dealership, Evans Halshaw has a decent idea of what motors like yours will fetch and so can feed that information into its valuation to offer you a fair price for your car.

And then, so long as the motor matches up with your description when you head over to your appointment, then that’s the price you’ll get.

Having said that, there's no guarantee they'll buy your used car for that price and it's worth getting a couple of quotes from rivals to see how it stacks up.

You might find you can get a better price elsewhere. You could get a valuation from webuyanycar, probably the biggest name in the industry, or from Motorway. You can enter your details below to get a free online valuation.

Please note we may receive a small commission if you do sell through Motorway but it won't affect the price you're offered.

Evans Halshaw: are there any fees?

Unlike some of its rivals, Evans Halshaw doesn’t levy any fees, charges or admin costs.

As a result, when you sell your car to the firm you’ll get every penny of the price they offer you.

Getting paid for your car

Evans Halshaw will transfer the money directly into your bank account when you sell, subject to an ID check.

If you complete the sale before 2pm, it will happen the same day, while later sales mean the payment will go through on the next working day.


Things to do after you sell your car

Once you’ve sold your car, you need to notify the DVLA. You can do that online, or by tearing off the bottom section of your V5C document and sending it to the DVLA, stating that the car has been sold. 

By informing the DVLA you avoid being held responsible for any future penalties involving the car, while you may also get a tax refund.

You should also inform your car insurer that you’ve sold the vehicle as soon as possible.

Still not sure what to do? Head this way for detailed reviews on selling a used car on webuyanycar, Auto TraderMotorway and Gumtree


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