Graph of the day: where the super-rich stash their cash

Want to know where all those trillions of pounds are stored around the world? Wonder no more, thanks to this handy Statista graph.

Unless you count the €16 you forgot on a prepaid card on your last trip to Crete, it’s fair to say that storing wealth offshore is the domain of the wealthy.

While it will come as no surprise to you this practice is common amongst the world’s richest people, what is staggering is the sheer amount of private funds held across the globe.

Visual data site Statista has rounded up the 10 countries that top the list of foreign funds slushing about in their economy in 2017, using data from the Boston Consulting Group.

In total these 10 countries hold $7 trillion (£5.3trn) between them.

Infographic: Where the Rich Park their Money | Statista 

As you can see, Switzerland is ahead by some distance with $2.3 trillion (£1.75trn) of private offshore wealth held within its borders, which is perhaps unsurprising.

One stat that does stand out from this chart is the sheer size of the gulf between the Channel Islands/Isle of Man ($500 billion) and the UK ($300 billion).

If your money is burning a hole in your pocket and you don't have any friends in Switzerland, here are the best places to save and earn interest in the UK.


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