Live longer with these budget tips!

Emma Roberts reveals a few budget-friendly steps that could improve your life expectancy.

With the news that the life expectancy gap between the rich and poor is widening, many of us are conscious about our health and are keen to do everything we can to improve our lifespan.

But living longer doesn’t mean you have to invest in costly health fads or take out expensive gym memberships.

I’m going to show you how to improve your potential life expectancy with some simple, budget friendly tips.

Grow your own health!

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that noshing on junk food can’t be too good for your health or your waistline but did you know that certain foods are known to actually boost your life expectancy?

The great news is that these super-foods are really cheap and can all be grown in your own back garden. You can even make a little money, by selling your freshly grown super-foods to your neighbours and friends.



Get growing!


Protect against cancer, lower cholesterol, protects bones

Dwarf apple tree- £11.99 from gardens4you


Contains oranosulfurs- help body battle cancer, heart disease and strokes

Plant your own clove in soil. When cloves are grown you can crush and freeze what you don’t use.


Lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and promotes healthy liver function

Seeds can be bought from Wilkinson for 52p


Help protect against cancer

Seeds can be bought from Wilkinson for 97p


Slow down the ageing process

Blueberry bush £6.99 from gardens4you or grow your own from seeds.

For some helpful tips on gardening, check out this great article.

Portion Patrol

Having heaps of grub on your plate can lead to you wasting food and cash. It also means that you’re more likely to eat more, even if you’re full.

Ditching the 12 inch plate and eating from a 9 inch plate instead will reduce wasted food, which can be frozen for future meals.

Red wine boosts your health!

Despite what many people think, a glass of the red stuff (in moderation of course) has huge benefits on your health.

American researchers recently found that a plant extract contained in the skin of red grapes helps protect the body against ageing and reduces inflammation that leads to strokes, heart disease and type two diabetes.

If you want to stock up on some red wine, why not consider joining a wine club? You often get great deals when you bulk buy. Visit to compare the best prices.

Body and Mind

In our first ever Frugal Fitness video, Verity Payne finds out how expensive it is to take up rock climbing and the potential benefits of doing so

With our busy and hectic lifestyles, it’s sometimes hard to spare some time to exercise.

There are loads of simple fitness tips that’ll benefit your health though, such as getting off the bus or train a stop early and walking the rest of the way.

Stress is notorious for taking its toll on people, so make sure you know how to unwind!

Walking is a great stress reliever, so why not join your local walking group for a free way of meeting people and exercising?

Indulging in a spa day doesn’t have to cost the earth, and can relieve heaps of stress from your shoulders. always have great deals, such as 2 for 1 luxurious spa days and pamper packages.

If you don’t fancy forking out, you could always try throwing a pamper party with your mates. Check out Avon for some fantastic deals on plenty of pamper products. Better still, become a representative to get freebies and earn some extra money.

A little help from your friends

So what’s the biggest danger to your health? Smoking? Drink? Junk food?

Well, it may actually be loneliness. A recent study revealed that being lonely can reduce your survival rate by a shocking 50%.

If you want to expand your friendship group, there are plenty of budget friendly ideas. Try joining an online social network that allows you to make friends. Facebook is a great place to track down old mates and there’s lots of other free websites where you can meet people.

If you don’t really know your neighbours, be brave and throw a neighbourhood party. Get everyone to contribute with a little food and drink and get to know each other.

Pet Benefits

Another sure-fire life booster is having the company of a pet. People who have fluffy companions, tend to live longer than those who don’t. But you don’t have to buy a pet to reap the benefits.

If any of your friends or neighbours have pets, you could ask to pet-sit when they’re not around. Not only will this mean that you get all the benefits but you could also charge a little money for your efforts. What’s more, if they have a dog, taking it out for a walk is a great, fun work out.

If you’re serious about getting your own pet, make sure you understand all the financial implications involved before you buy. Check out this article for some brilliant advice.

Doing just a few of these budget life-boosting tips will certainly improve your general health and wellbeing, without damaging your finances.

More: Make money from your hobby| Throw a posh dinner party on a budget|


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